The following resources can be used to assist with tobacco-free campus policy planning, implementation, and evaluation:
- The American Cancer Society provides resources and information to help individuals quit or stay off of tobacco.
- Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights (ANR) provides sample language to utilize when drafting a 100% tobacco-free ordinance.
- The American Lung Association works to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease through education, advocacy, and research.
- The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids aims to save lives by advocating for public policies that prevent kids from smoking, helping smokers quit, and protecting individuals from the dangers of secondhand smoke.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) provides fast facts on the latest tobacco-related data and information, as well as shareable print and electronic media.
- Peers Against Tobacco is a peer-led tobacco prevention and control initiative, with shareable media campaign content for college and university campuses.
- The Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative (TFCCI) houses policy implementation guides and toolkits, templates and guidelines for drafting a tobacco-free campus policy, and peer-reviewed research to support policy change efforts.
- The University of Texas at Austin Tobacco Research & Evaluation Team carries out evidence-based research and evaluation to produce programs that prevent and eliminate tobacco use.
- Eliminate Tobacco Use (ETU) – Founded by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and UT System, ETU hosts webinars/events and provides resources/toolkits to address tobacco use across colleges and universities and more effectively contribute to actions that create a tobacco-free culture.
- TobaccofreeU supports collegiate tobacco prevention and control as part of a larger peer education initiative.